Get the XS4ALL Ball Rolling...   Contained in this ReadMe document are some answers to many of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQz) about the Internet Provider XS4ALL. You can Click On the Puzzle Pieces to take you to all the different chapters in this document. They look like this.....................   (Click on this one to go to the FAQz) Er is ook een Nederlandse versie beschikbaar.................................(druk hier).....  Depending on the size of your monitor, you may need to use the ScrollBar or Arrows on the far right of this page to see an entire chapter. You can also use the Contents dropdown menu above or the KeyBoard shortcut, ⌘K to get you around the different Chapters of this document. We hope you will be joining us at XS4ALL. We look forward to seeing you out on the HyWays and ByWays of the Internet. To print these Documents.......................(Click on this piece).......     More About these Documents.....................(Click on this piece)...... ©1995 by MacHelp/XS4ALL All Rights Reserved....